Monday, December 31, 2012


While I'm not really big on the whole resolution thing, I do think that the change of the secular calendar year is a good time to reevaluate where our lives are going and what we'd like to change. For me, i have a few goals this coming year--principally to pay off my personal consumer debt and increase my savings. I also have a goal of acquiring some new skill sets this coming year such as light carpentry. What are your goals for the coming year?


  1. Get back to ultra trail running. Taking 3 months off to work on core strength hopefully didn't set me too far back on long term endurance.
    Double the garden size.
    Add another years worth of food to storage
    Get an additional 100+ gallons of water to storage

    I figure that's a start.

  2. I hope one of your goals is to blog more...2013 is half over, man.
